Enquiry Cart

Onboard Questionnaire

Estimated time to complete the questionnaire: 6 minutes .

Required information needed to proceed:

  • 1 x Approved drawing or drawing of similar product, OR
  • 1 x Photo of your recent purchase or a similar product that you saw.

Welcome onboard to our online questionnaire!  Your responses will shape our understanding of your preferences and opinions.  Thank you for taking the time to share your insights with us.

Let’s get started!

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Step 1 of 4
Your Name
Q1. Check ONE IMAGE ONLY below for the product of your interest.
Q2. Have you purchased this product recently?
Q4. Indicate the dimensions of the product below. For multiple products of different dimensions, list them according to dimensions/quantity.
Insert  Appointment Hour Booking
Q5. Where is the product placed?
Q6. What is the operating temperature where the product is placed?
Q7. Will the product be exposed to chemical &/or solvent?

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